Source: Parser.js

'use strict';

const LoxError = require('./LoxError');
const TokenType = require('./TokenType');

const BlockStatement = require('./parsing/Statement/Block');
const ExpressionStatement = require('./parsing/Statement/Expression');
const PrintStatement = require('./parsing/Statement/Print');
const VariableStatement = require('./parsing/Statement/Variable');

const AssignmentExpression = require('./parsing/Expression/Assignment');
const BinaryExpression = require('./parsing/Expression/Binary');
const GroupingExpression = require('./parsing/Expression/Grouping');
const LiteralExpression = require('./parsing/Expression/Literal');
const UnaryExpression = require('./parsing/Expression/Unary');
const VariableExpression = require('./parsing/Expression/Variable');

class ParseError extends Error {
  constructor() {

 * Converts scanned {@link Token}s into an executable AST.
class Parser {
  _previous() {
    return this._tokens[this._current - 1];

  _peek() {
    return this._tokens[this._current];

  _isAtEnd() {
    return this._peek().type === TokenType.EOF;

  _advance() {
    if(!this._isAtEnd()) {
    return this._previous();

  _check(tokenType) {
    if(this._isAtEnd()) {
      return false;
    return this._peek().type == tokenType;

  _match(...tokenTypes) {
    for(let tokenType of tokenTypes) {
      if(this._check(tokenType)) {
        return true;

    return false;

  _error(token, message) {
    LoxError.parseError(token, message);
    return new ParseError(message);

  _synchronize() {

    while(!this._isAtEnd()) {
      if(this._previous().type === TokenType.SEMICOLON) {

      switch(this._peek().type) {
        case TokenType.CLASS:
        case TokenType.FUN:
        case TokenType.VAR:
        case TokenType.FOR:
        case TokenType.IF:
        case TokenType.WHILE:
        case TokenType.PRINT:
        case TokenType.RETURN:


  _consume(tokenType, message) {
    if(this._check(tokenType)) {
      return this._advance();

    throw this._error(this._peek(), message);

  _declaration() {
    try {
      if(this._match(TokenType.VAR)) {
        return this._variableDeclaration();
      else {
        return this._statement();
    catch(error) {
      if(error instanceof ParseError) {
      else {
        throw error;

  _variableDeclaration() {
    const name = this._consume(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, 'Expect variable name.');

    let initializer;

    if(this._match(TokenType.EQUAL)) {
      initializer = this._expression();

    this._consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, `Expect ';' after variable declaration.`);

    return new VariableStatement(name, initializer);

  _statement() {
    if(this._match(TokenType.PRINT)) {
      return this._printStatement();
    else if(this._match(TokenType.LEFT_BRACE)) {
      return new BlockStatement(this._blockStatement());
    else {
      return this._expressionStatement();

  _printStatement() {
    const value = this._expression();

    this._consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, `Expect ';' after value.`);

    return new PrintStatement(value);

  _blockStatement() {
    const statements = [];

    while(!this._check(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE) && !this._isAtEnd()) {

    this._consume(TokenType.RIGHT_BRACE, `Expect '}' at end of block.`);

    return statements;

  _expressionStatement() {
    const expression = this._expression();

    this._consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, `Expect ';' after expression.`);

    return new ExpressionStatement(expression);

  _expression() {
    return this._assignment();

  _assignment() {
    const expression = this._equality();

    if(this._match(TokenType.EQUAL)) {
      const equals = this._previous();
      const value = this._assignment();

      if(expression instanceof VariableExpression) {
        const name =;

        return new AssignmentExpression(name, value);

      this._error(equals, 'Invalid assignment target.');

    return expression;

  _equality() {
    let expression = this._comparison();

    while(this._match(TokenType.BANG_EQUAL, TokenType.EQUAL_EQUAL)) {
      const operator = this._previous();
      const right = this._comparison();
      expression = new BinaryExpression(expression, operator, right);

    return expression;

  _comparison() {
    let expression = this._term();

    while(this._match(TokenType.GREATER, TokenType.GREATER_EQUAL, TokenType.LESS, TokenType.LESS_EQUAL)) {
      const operator = this._previous();
      const right = this._term();
      expression = new BinaryExpression(expression, operator, right);

    return expression;

  _term() {
    let expression = this._factor();

    while(this._match(TokenType.MINUS, TokenType.PLUS)) {
      const operator = this._previous();
      const right = this._factor();
      expression = new BinaryExpression(expression, operator, right);

    return expression;

  _factor() {
    let expression = this._unary();

    while(this._match(TokenType.SLASH, TokenType.STAR)) {
      const operator = this._previous();
      const right = this._unary();
      expression = new BinaryExpression(expression, operator, right);

    return expression;

  _unary() {
    if(this._match(TokenType.BANG, TokenType.MINUS)) {
      const operator = this._previous();
      const right = this._unary();
      return new UnaryExpression(operator, right);

    return this._primary();

  _primary() {
    if(this._match(TokenType.FALSE)) {
      return new LiteralExpression(false);
    if(this._match(TokenType.TRUE)) {
      return new LiteralExpression(true);
    if(this._match(TokenType.NIL)) {
      return new LiteralExpression(null);

    if(this._match(TokenType.NUMBER, TokenType.STRING)) {
      return new LiteralExpression(this._previous().literal);

    if(this._match(TokenType.IDENTIFIER)) {
      return new VariableExpression(this._previous());

    if(this._match(TokenType.LEFT_PAREN)) {
      const expression = this._expression();
      this._consume(TokenType.RIGHT_PAREN, `Expect ')' after expression.`);
      return new GroupingExpression(expression);

    throw this._error(this._peek(), 'Expect expression.');

   * Parses {@link Token}s into an collection of ASTs.
   * Will report errors using {@link LoxError}.
   * @param  {Token[]} tokens Scanned tokens.
   * @return {Statement[]} Collection of ASTs representing parsed source.
  parse(tokens) {
    this._tokens = tokens;
    this._current = 0;

    try {
      const statements = [];

      while(!this._isAtEnd()) {
        const statement = this._declaration();

        if(statement) {

      return statements;
    catch(error) {
      if(error instanceof ParseError) {
        return undefined;
      else {
        throw error;

module.exports = Parser;